Curtis' Mission Picture Blog

This site contains pictures and associated comments that Curtis has emailed home.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Looking over the poorer part of our area, a part called Monte Carmelo. That means Carmel Mountain. Delicous, huh? The first few houses are on the banks of a little creek (which is filled with garbage) and they are a favela. Very poor and homely, dangerous at night.
Here is Manoel, the crazy cool investigator I always talk about. He is still cool and going strong.
Also, some Christmas stocking and present Spirit...

Today I opened up a portion of my family Christmas package and the first thing we tried was the basketball hoop.

So everyone, here is a Christmas Dunk from Elder Tonks and Elder Borland.

Also, this fish is wishing everyone a Feliz Natal, or Merry Christmas, and so am I. Merry Natal, or Feliz Christmas to you all. I love you guys.

Here is the Bom Clima chapel that is being reformed, it will be done in February, and the building we are in right now as well. I don't like it there. Bad echo.

And the sign, somehow, has trash on it, defying the laws of gravity. I never had a chance to go to the chapel and probably won't get to.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Here is me with the sweetest part I've ever done. This picture reminds me a lot of a picture I have of me and Aimee Baldwin at Valentines Dance 2004. Good old Aimee. It was the first time I really tried a part in like 2 and a half months and I ended up getting this. Pretty cool, huh?
The new face of the Wall of Fame. Ben Rothlesberger from the Steel Town, Hideki Matsui of the NYY and the family in a picture of I don't know where. But it looks cool, and we should go back there someday. Also, the "Raise the warning voice--10 contact per day" sign, the Nightly Planning checklist and the "Feel This" stickers from my Dockers socks. Also includes some random stuff on my desk including Eugene, the rockin' wrestlin' action figure that Christian sent me for my birthday and my alarm clock.
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